
 Latest Achievements
Learjet 85



The Learjet 85, the first all-composite structure business jet
designed for certification under FAR Part 25 by Bombardier,
a realization to which we have brought our composite expertise
through the Bombardier Composite Advisory Council (BCAC).


The BCAC is composed of Bombardier composite technology specialists
and industry experts, who go through the design process, share knowledge and ensure
that lessons on lifecycle and durability of composites are understood
and shared with the Bombardier Design Group.


Windmill blades


Bé Inc. is proud to participate actively and offer technical expertise
to determine causes of failure and repair procedures
to extend windmill blades life duration.

The setting of hundreds of windmills in the last few years requires gradually
an expertise of high level in engineering on failure analysis.
We have the technical knowledge and capacity to determine on site
the damage level, potential causes of failure, specific repair material's selection
and the proper way to apply these materials
in the environmental conditions prevailing on site.